Wednesday, June 04, 2008

TBR Challenge

Librarything is a dangerous place. There I can easily locate the blogs of other book obsessed people, who have come up with nifty reading related ideas.

Today's discovery: The TBR ("To Be Read") Challenge.

Basically, you make a list of 12 books that have been on your to-be-read list for more than 6 months, than you read them. It's supposed to be an annual challenge, but I am starting late, and I'm still going to do 12, because I am determined like that.

After some time spend staring at my bookshelf, I have chosen the following 12 books:

1) A Passage to India
by E.M. Forster

2) Kim
by Rudyard Kipling

3) Nights at the Circus
by Angela Carter

4) Native Son
by Richard Wright

5) A Farewell to Arms
by Ernest Hemingway

6) American Psycho
by Easton Ellis

7) Invisible Man
by Ralph Ellison

8) One Hundred Years of Solitude
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

9) Lord Jim
by Joseph Conrad

10) The Time Traveler's Wife
by Audrey Niffenegger
Read 7/12/08

11) Pale Fire
by Vladimir Nabokov

12) The Shipping News
by E. Annie Proulix

Now I promise not to edit this list, aside from linking the titles to the blog posts about those books once I actually read them and write about them. And we'll see how this goes.

Books are good. Decreasing the size of my to-be-read list is very good. Let's go!

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