Monday, September 03, 2012

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Napoleon

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Napoleon
By Gideon Defoe
Pantheon Books
177 pages
ISBN: 978-0-375-42398-7
Cincinnati Public Library
Read 8/27/12-8/28/12

I've been reading Gideon Defoe's hilarious The Pirates! books since my husband first found them, shortly after we saw the movie based on the series, the also-hilarious The Pirates! Band of Misfits. We've both found all four volumes highly entertaining, which is particularly wonderful because there is generally not much overlap in our reading lives.The series is riotously funny, and as all of the volumes are equally slight and slim, won't take up a huge amount of your time.

Here, Pirate Captain, to the dismay of his crew, decides to give up pirating for beekeeping, and thanks to some scheming on the part of his nemesis Black Bellamy, ends up doing so on the tiny island of St. Helena. He is enjoying his time as the island's "most famous resident" until the arrival of none other than Napoleon Bonaparte. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the two just don't get along.

The books in the series succeed by maintaining a delicate balance of humor that is alternately smart and frankly silly, and this offering is no exception. All four The Pirates! books are all well worth your time, and to get the most out of the running gags, your best bet is to start at the beginning, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists.

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